Most of our equipment as I remember had to be transported North through the port of Saigon. Here are some pictures taken in and around the capitol city when we sent off our gear for movement to the port of Da Nang. We would later fly to that location and convoy back to Camp Eagle. I took some pictures along the way. Truly a beautiful country and people.

Tracked vehicles Vietnamese fisherman

Bien Hoa to Saigon Saigon in the city

Bien Hoa to Saigon

Saigon Saigon

?, Jetters, Owens? ?, Jetters, Dan

Dan and Jeeters in harbor area of Saigon

Saigon: across the harbor Transport ship
We had been instructed to place our equipment on the ground while we were all standing around doing our normal "hurry up and wait" routine. Someone decided to move a truck and my rifle butt was sticking out about two inches too far. It was a great custom job. I always knew which one of the rifles in the group was mine.

Dan with broken rifle
As the years have passed, it has finally occurred to me just how much my facial expressions have come from my mother. She passed on in 2005. I guess it's OK that I have her characteristics and have passed them on to my oldest son Matthew. In reflection, I find it interesting that I really do look like my grand-father, Hix Johnson.
We returned to our camp at Bien Hoa and a short time later we flew to Phu Bai airport and then proceeded to Camp Eagle. The photo below is a shot taken from the inside of a C-130 as we were being transported to our Northern destination of Camp Eagle. Notice all of the seat belts being employed!

Inside C-130

I recently learned that some of the company actually accompanied the vehicles via the USS Manhattan. I'm assuming that the above ship in the picture is that ship.
I had to go to Saigon for some reason in early 1968. For what, I do not remember. However, while I was there I met a young Vietnamese Lady that gave me her picture and wrote a note on the back that I finally had translated. How beautiful after 40 years.

"Sending you this picture to keep as a souvenir
Maybe we will meet in the future"
Tuyet (Beautiful Snow)
Even though we were locked in the conflict of differences of political thought, I always loved the Vietnamese people. I'm sure that many of those that I met in my travels were of the opposite persuasion. Even so, I truly loved their culture and believe that they deserved to control their own destiny. They were much like ourselves.
GO to Camp Eagle
Back to Bien Hoa